Monday, May 19, 2008

The Melting Pot

Today I woke up in pain from my liver........again. I got out of bed and made myself some pop-tarts (I know not healthy, execpt for the strawberry part) and a small glass of milk, a pain pill and watched some pre-recorded Oprah and Dr. Phil then went back to bed. Woke up about 12:30pm and decided it was time to face the day. Mark's birthday gift arrived today via UPS. I found him some shoes with mini shock absorbers in the heels since he is on his feet 8+ hrs a day I thought it would be the best gift I could give at this time. The boys went in 3rds with me since they cost $100.00 on sale!!!We aslo found a piece for his grill (The Big Green Egg), you place two cans of beer in this tray and then invert two chickens and roast on grill. It is supposed to be delish, we'll see. I also sent off for an autographed photo of Charlie Sheen off of Two & a Half Men for him. He loves the Charlie Harper philosophy and swears that would have been had I not came along. lol He loves the vintage style shirts Charlie wears, if you know where I can find the good quality ones like on the set let me know, I'm on the lookout for next years gift already!!! My freind Nancy is coming to take me to The Melting Pot tonight. They are having a girls night out celebration and she is the only one of my friends available to go. Springtime is always hectic with proms, graduations and such....I know we'll have a great time she is so funny always making me smile!

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