Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update on health, life and other things rambling round my head

Hi, told you that I am one of the worst bloggers! Well the cancer was 100% cured thanks to all the doctors in New Orleans!!! Last week marked 3 months recfovery which means the liver resection they did should have grown back 100%. I discovered I had hernia's on my C5,6 & 7 in my neck. (probably too much talking in my life and looking the other direction) I had an operation last Monday and they removed them and replaced my bone with bonegraft, a steel plate and screws to hold my neck together. When they do this they retracted your throat to one side or the other to work on it and the result is the first 7 days you feel like you have a permanent lump in your throat. fun fun ... I will be wearing this fashionable fabric brace that they gave me for 4 full weeks. It's ivory so it will go with nothing I have, so I might need to improvise on the look a little. Any ideas? Well otherwise, life is great in the Smith household, my hubby is a rock (he needs a good massage), our youngest son Mark married Tasha (the love of his life)and David moved back in and is now working with his dad. David went to Panama for two weeks with Mark on a business trip and I think he is starting to like this flying thing because he has all ready went to MN on his own now voluntered to go to Italy!! Ah to be young again. Mark and Tasha are shopping for an SUV (because more grandbabies are in my future), two or three years down the road. With any hope, Mark will be able to gain rights to see his first child soon. We miss him so much and have so much love to share. Well life is good and God is great so y'all take care and have a glass of sweet tea for me, hugs, Cyn